Treatment For Hair Loss In Females

"When you hear people complain about having a bad hair day, you almost can't bear it," she said. "You're like, 'Honey, you have no idea.' "

Have you also started noticing a clump of hair in your hand or noticing that your part seems wider than normal? Losing 50 to 100 strands a day is normal as per the American Academy of Dermatology. And after a certain age, everyone starts losing their hair, our hair starts becoming thinner and finer. But if your hair loss is sudden and excessive you should talk to your doctor about it because that's not normal.

Hair loss in women can occur for various reasons. Sometimes it's because of hormonal imbalance or genetic sensitivity to certain hormones. Other reasons can be stress, thyroid issues, etc.

As a woman fighting with hair loss can be difficult. You'll see the confidence of women also shaking up with increasing hair loss. But it's always treatable using a range of safe, effective medications.

Let's talk about the main reasons for hair loss in females first:

Hormones: This is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. In both sexes, the specific hormone responsible for hair loss is the same: dihydro-testosterone.

Menopause: Because menopause affects several hormones of the body, it can often lead to hair loss. Menopausal hair loss usually happens between the ages of 50 and 60. But this type of hair loss is also treatable luckily.

Thyroid issues: Both types of thyroids (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) can trigger hair loss. This is because your thyroid plays an important role in producing new strands of hair at the roots and also helps in maintaining a consistent supply of new hairs.

Stress: If you dealing with some stressful situation from the last few weeks of doing something challenging in your life, then this stress can take a toll on your hair. Hair loss caused by stress is called telogen effluvium, but this hair loss isn't permanent this type of hair loss usually lasts for 2-3 months.

Iron deficiency Anaemia: Low level of iron in your body can also lead to hair loss. Iron deficiency can be caused by several reasons such as a poor diet that's lacking nutrients to the range of intestinal disease.

Treatment for hair fall in females:

Minoxidil: This is the only FDA approved ingredient found to improve hair loss. Minoxidil helps in enhancing the size of the follicle so that it can produce a bigger strand of hair.

Shampoo: It is extremely important to understand your scalp type and choosing the shampoo accordingly. Make sure your shampoo is not loaded with chemicals including sulphate, paraben, etc. that make your hair dry and hence prone to breakage.

Diet and Exercise: Your hair needs plenty of nutrients and iron for proper growth so, you should make sure that your diet contains all these in an adequate amount. Along with a balanced diet, you should also Exercise daily Yoga and meditation are also very effective in reducing hair fall.

Lifestyle changes: For hair loss caused by stress, you should try and start avoiding daily stress in your life. There can be many reasons for your stress (professional life's, high-pressure working environment, etc.). There are many ways of avoiding stress such as reducing your consumption of caffeine, nicotine, etc., taking frequent breaks in work for cleaning your mind, meditation and yoga can also help.

Hormone therapy: Some people are suffering from this problem due to their genetically predisposed problems. They experience a high level of change in estrogen during menopause and experience a high level of hair thinning at that time.  Birth control pills and other forms of hormone replacement therapy can help in increasing the level of estrogen or progesterone in the body.


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