
Showing posts from August, 2020

Healthy Lifestyle Facts

We live in the era where we may be indulging ourselves in a cheese burst pizza, a bowl of french fries and a “diet” coke and be reading articles about Caesar salad. Too bad we don’t mean this when we say “eat healthy”. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the top-notch concern of everyone walking around on two feet. Whether you are an actor, a doctor, a sportsperson, a teacher or a homemaker, a healthy lifestyle is just as important and essential to you. Ever wondered if all the cheat meals, the extra chocolates and that dinner you skipped 5 days ago for extra ice cream made a difference? Well, yes they did. A healthy lifestyle consists of both long term and short term goals with varying benefits. ü Short term goals are for a specific objective. You may want to get super thin, super soon for a wedding coming up in two weeks. Short term goals may make you feel and look at your best and maintain a healthy weight. ü Long term goals include taking care of your body on a daily basis. E